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Query Builder Reference

This document is generated by the PHPCR-ODM from the API, if you wish to contribute a fix please either create an issue or make a pull request on the phpcr-odm repository.

All the classes here documented can be found in the namespace: Doctrine\ODM\PHPCR\Query\Builder


Node: ConstraintAndx

Contraint which evaluates to true when all its child constraints evaluate to true.

If only a single constraint is appended, the appended constraint will behave as if it were not preceded by the ConstraintAndX.

Type: constraint

Extends: ConstraintFactory

Inherited methods: andX, orX, fieldIsset, fullTextSearch, same, descendant, child, eq, neq, lt, lte, gt, gte, like

Child Cardinality:
  • 1..* constraint

Node: ConstraintComparison

Constraint which evaluates to true if the dynamic child operand and the static child operand evaluate to true when operated upon by the given operator.

The ConstraintFactory will specify the corresponding operator for each of "eq", "gte", "gt", "lte", "lt", "like", etc.

A dynamic operand is an operand whose value is derived from the persisted object set.

A static operand is a non-changing value, either a literal or a bound property.

Comparisons can only be made one dynamic and one static operand. When comparing the values between joined tables you will need to use the JoinConditionFactory.

Type: constraint

Extends: OperandFactory

Inherited methods: parameter, literal, fullTextSearchScore, length, lowerCase, upperCase, localName, name, field

Child Cardinality:
  • 1..1 operand_dynamic
  • 1..1 operand_static

Node: ConstraintFactory

This factory node provides both leaf and factory nodes all of which return nodes of type "constraint".

Type: constraint_factory

Child Cardinality:
  • 1..1 constraint


And composite constraint:

$ qb->where()

The andX node allows you to add 1, 2 or many operand nodes. When one operand is added the "and" is removed, when more than one is added the "and" operands are nested:

// when adding only a single operand,
$ qb->where()->andX()->eq()->field('')->literal('bar');
// is equivilent to:
$ qb->where()->eq()->field('')->literal('bar');

// when adding more than one,
$ qb->where()

// is equivilent to:
$ qb->where()

Adds: constraint (ConstraintAndx)

Returns: ConstraintAndx


Or composite constraint:

$ qb->where()

As with "andX", "orX" allows one to many operands.

Adds: constraint (ConstraintOrx)

Returns: ConstraintOrx


Field existance constraint:

$ qb->where()->fieldIsset('sel_1.prop_1')->end();

Adds: constraint (ConstraintFieldIsset)

Returns: ConstraintFactory


  • $field: string - Field to check


Full text search constraint:

$ qb->where()->fullTextSearch('sel_1.prop_1', 'search_expression')->end();

Adds: constraint (ConstraintFullTextSearch)

Returns: ConstraintFactory


  • $field: string - Name of field to check, including alias name.
  • $fullTextSearchExpression: string - Search expression.


Same document constraint:

$ qb->where()->same('/path/to/doc', 'sel_1')->end();

Relates to PHPCR QOM SameNodeInterface.

Adds: constraint (ConstraintSame)

Returns: ConstraintFactory


  • $path: string - Path to reference document.
  • $alias: string - Name of alias to use.


Descendant document constraint:

$ qb->where()->descendant('/ancestor/path', 'sel_1')->end();

Relates to PHPCR QOM DescendantNodeInterface

Adds: constraint (ConstraintDescendant)

Returns: ConstraintFactory


  • $ancestorPath: string - Select descendants of this path.
  • $alias: string - Name of alias to use.


Select children of the aliased document at the given path:

$ qb->where()->child('/parent/path', 'sel_1')->end();

Relates to PHPCR QOM ChildNodeInterface.

Adds: constraint (ConstraintChild)

Returns: ConstraintFactory


  • $parentPath: string - Select children of this path.
  • $alias: string - Name of alias to use


Equality comparison constraint:

$ qb->where()

Adds: constraint (ConstraintComparison)

Returns: ConstraintComparison


Inequality comparison constraint:

$ qb->where()

Adds: constraint (ConstraintComparison)

Returns: ConstraintComparison


Less than comparison constraint:

$ qb->where()

Adds: constraint (ConstraintComparison)

Returns: ConstraintComparison


Less than or equal to comparison constraint:

$ qb->where()

Adds: constraint (ConstraintComparison)

Returns: ConstraintComparison


Greater than comparison constraint:

$ qb->where()

Adds: constraint (ConstraintComparison)

Returns: ConstraintComparison


Greater than or equal to comparison constraint:

$ qb->where()

Adds: constraint (ConstraintComparison)

Returns: ConstraintComparison


Like comparison constraint.

Use "%" as wildcards:

$ qb->where()

The above example will match "foo" and "foobar" but not "barfoo".

Adds: constraint (ConstraintComparison)

Returns: ConstraintComparison

Node: ConstraintNot

Constraint which evaluates to the opposite truth of its child operand.

Type: constraint

Extends: ConstraintFactory

Inherited methods: andX, orX, fieldIsset, fullTextSearch, same, descendant, child, eq, neq, lt, lte, gt, gte, like

Child Cardinality:
  • 1..1 constraint

Node: ConstraintOrx

Constraint which evaluates to true if any one of its children evaluates to true.

Like the ConstraintAndx constraint a single child will act as if it were not preceded with a ConstraintOrx.

Type: constraint

Extends: ConstraintFactory

Inherited methods: andX, orX, fieldIsset, fullTextSearch, same, descendant, child, eq, neq, lt, lte, gt, gte, like

Child Cardinality:
  • 1..* constraint

Node: From

The From node specifies the document source (or sources in the case of a join).

Type: from

Child Cardinality:
  • 1..1 source

Node: OperandDynamicFactory

Factory node for dynamic operands.

Type: operand_dynamic_factory

Child Cardinality:
  • 1..1 operand_dynamic


Represents the aliased documents rank by relevance to the full text search expression given by the "fullTextSearch" constraint:

$ qb->where()

$ qb->orderBy()

See also:

Adds: operand_dynamic (OperandDynamicFullTextSearchScore)

Returns: OperandDynamicFactory


  • $alias: string - Name of alias to use


Length operand resolves to length of aliased document:

$ qb->where()

$ qb->orderBy()->asc()->fullTextSearchScore('sel_1')->end();

Adds: operand_dynamic (OperandDynamicLength)

Returns: OperandDynamicFactory


  • $field: string - Name of field to check.


LowerCase operand evaluates to lower-cased string of child operand:

$ qb->where()

Adds: operand_dynamic (OperandDynamicLowerCase)

Returns: OperandDynamicLowerCase


UpperCase operand evaluates to upper-cased string of child operand:

$ qb->where()

Adds: operand_dynamic (OperandDynamicUpperCase)

Returns: OperandDynamicUpperCase


Document local name evaluates to the local (non namespaced) name of the node being compared.

For example, if a node has the path "/path/to/foobar", then "foobar" is the local node name:

$ qb->where()

Relates to PHPCR NodeLocalNameInterface

Adds: operand_dynamic (OperandDynamicLocalName)

Returns: OperandDynamicFactory


  • $alias: string - Name of alias to use


Evaluates to the namespaced name of the node being compared.

For example, if a node has the path "/path/to/bar:foobar", then "bar:foobar" is the namespaced node name:

$ qb->where()

Relates to PHPCR NodeNameInterface.

Adds: operand_dynamic (OperandDynamicName)

Returns: OperandDynamicFactory


  • $alias: string - Name of alias to use


Evaluates to the value of the specified field:

$ qb->where()

Adds: operand_dynamic (OperandDynamicField)

Returns: OperandDynamicFactory


  • $field: string - name of field to check, including alias name.

Node: OperandDynamicLowerCase

Dynamic operand which evaluates to the lowercased value of the child operand.

Type: operand_dynamic

Extends: OperandDynamicFactory

Inherited methods: fullTextSearchScore, length, lowerCase, upperCase, localName, name, field

Child Cardinality:
  • 1..1 operand_dynamic

Node: OperandDynamicUpperCase

Operand which evaluates to the upper case version of its child operand.

Type: operand_dynamic

Extends: OperandDynamicFactory

Inherited methods: fullTextSearchScore, length, lowerCase, upperCase, localName, name, field

Child Cardinality:
  • 1..1 operand_dynamic

Node: OperandFactory

Factory node for all operands, both dynamic and static.

Type: operand_dynamic_factory

Extends: OperandDynamicFactory

Inherited methods: fullTextSearchScore, length, lowerCase, upperCase, localName, name, field

Child Cardinality:
  • 1..1 operand_dynamic


Evaluates to the value of the parameter bound to the given $name.

Relates to PHPCR BindVariableValueInterface:

$ qb->where()->eq()->field('f.foobar')->parameter('param_1')->end();
$ qb->setParameter('param_1', 'foo');

Adds: operand_static (OperandStaticParameter)

Returns: OperandFactory


  • $name: string - Name of parameter to resolve.


Evaluates to the given literal value:

$ qb->where()->eq()->field('f.foobar')->literal('Literal Value')->end();

Adds: operand_static (OperandStaticLiteral)

Returns: OperandStaticLiteral


  • $value: string - Literal value.

Node: OperandStaticFactory

Factory node for static operands.

Note that this class is not used by the query builder and is only featured here to help with tests.

Type: operand_static_factory

Extends: OperandFactory

Inherited methods: parameter, literal, fullTextSearchScore, length, lowerCase, upperCase, localName, name, field

Child Cardinality:
  • 1..1 operand_static

Node: OrderBy

Factory node for order by.

Query results can be ordered by any dynamic operand in either ascending or descending order.

Type: order_by

Child Cardinality:
  • 0..* ordering


Add ascending ordering:

$ qb->orderBy()->asc()->field('sel_1.prop_1')->end();

Adds: ordering (Ordering)

Returns: Ordering


Add descending ordering:

$ qb->orderBy()->desc()->field('sel_1.prop_1')->end();

Adds: ordering (Ordering)

Returns: Ordering

Node: OrderByAdd

Node for adding an additional order by.

Type: order_by

Extends: OrderBy

Inherited methods: asc, desc

Child Cardinality:
  • 0..* ordering

Node: Ordering

Type: ordering

Extends: OperandDynamicFactory

Inherited methods: fullTextSearchScore, length, lowerCase, upperCase, localName, name, field

Child Cardinality:
  • 1..1 operand_dynamic

Node: QueryBuilder

The Query Builder root node.

This is the node which is returned when a query builder is asked for:

$ dm = // get document manager
$ qb = $dm->createQueryBuilder();
$ qb->fromDocument(BlogPost::class, 'p');
$ qb->where()->eq()->field('p.title')->literal('My Post');
$ docs = $qb->getQuery()->execute();

A converter is required to be set if the purpose of the query builder is to be fulfilled. The PHPCR converter walks over the query builder node hierarchy and converts the object graph the PHPCR QOM object graph.

Type: builder

Child Cardinality:
  • 0..* select
  • 1..1 from
  • 0..1 where
  • 0..* order_by


Where factory node is used to specify selection criteria:

$ qb->where()

Adds: where (Where)

Returns: Where


Add additional selection criteria using the AND operator.

Adds: where (WhereAnd)

Returns: WhereAnd


Add additional selection criteria using the OR operator.

Adds: where (WhereOr)

Returns: WhereOr


Set the from source for the query:

$ qb->from()->document('Foobar', 'a');

// or with a join ...

$ qb->from('a')->joinInner()
  ->left()->document('Foobar', 'a')->end()
  ->right()->document('Barfoo', 'b')->end()
  ->condition()->equi('a.prop_1', 'b.prop_1')->end()

Adds: from (From)

Returns: From


  • $primaryAlias: string - Alias to use as primary source (optional for single sources)


Shortcut for:

$ qb->from()
  ->document('Foobar', 'a')->end()

Which becomes:

$ qb->fromDocument('Foobar', 'a')->end();

Replaces any existing from source.

Adds: from (From)

Returns: QueryBuilder


  • $documentFqn: string - Fully qualified class name for document.
  • $primaryAlias: string - Alias for document source and primary alias when using multiple sources.


Replace the existing source with a left outer join source using the existing source as the left operand:

$ qb->fromDocument('Foobar', 'a')
    ->right()->document('Barfoo', 'b')->end()
    ->condition()->equi('a.prop_1', 'b.prop_2')->end()

Note that for outer joins to work correctly, documents being joined to must be mapped with a node type that is unique to the repository workspace, and the uniqueNodeType property must be set to true for the document (see #[Document]). Otherwise, the join will behave as an inner join.

Adds: select (Select)

Returns: SourceJoin


Replace the existing source with a right outer join source using the existing source as the left operand:

$ qb->fromDocument('Foobar', 'a')
    ->right()->document('Barfoo', 'b')->end()->end()
    ->condition()->equi('a.prop_1', 'b.prop_2')->end()

Note that for outer joins to work correctly, documents being joined to must be mapped with a node type that is unique to the repository workspace, and the uniqueNodeType property must be set to true for the document (see #[Document]). Otherwise, the join will behave as an inner join.

Adds: select (Select)

Returns: SourceJoin


Replace the existing source with an inner join source using the existing source as the left operand:

$ qb->fromDocument('Foobar', 'a')
    ->right()->document('Barfoo', 'b')->end()
    ->condition()->equi('a.prop_1', 'b.prop_2')->end()

Note that for outer joins to work correctly, documents being joined to must be mapped with a node type that is unique to the repository workspace, and the uniqueNodeType property must be set to true for the document (see #[Document]). Otherwise, the join will behave as an inner join.

Adds: select (Select)

Returns: SourceJoin


Method to add properties for selection to builder tree, replaces any existing select.

Number of property nodes is unbounded:

$ qb->select()

Adds: select (Select)

Returns: Select


Add additional properties to selection:

$ qb->select()

Adds: select (SelectAdd)

Returns: SelectAdd


Add orderings to the builder tree.

Number of orderings is unbounded:

$ qb->orderBy()

Adds: order_by (OrderBy)

Returns: OrderBy


Add additional orderings to the builder tree.

Adds: order_by (OrderByAdd)

Returns: OrderByAdd

Node: Select

Factory node for adding selection fields.

Type: select

Child Cardinality:
  • 0..* property

Node: SelectAdd

Factory node for adding additional selection fields.

Type: select

Extends: Select

Child Cardinality:
  • 0..* property

Node: SourceJoin

Type: source

Child Cardinality:
  • 1..1 source_join_condition_factory
  • 1..1 source_join_left
  • 1..1 source_join_right

Node: SourceJoinConditionFactory

Factory node for join conditions.

Type: source_join_condition_factory

Child Cardinality:
  • 1..1 source_join_condition


Descendant join condition:

$ qb->from('alias_1')
    ->left()->document('Foo/Bar/One', 'alias_1')->end()
    ->right()->document('Foo/Bar/Two', 'alias_2')->end()
      ->descendant('alias_1', 'alias_2')

Adds: source_join_condition (SourceJoinConditionDescendant)

Returns: SourceJoinConditionFactory


  • $descendantAlias: string - Name of alias for descendant documents.
  • $ancestorAlias: string - Name of alias to match for ancestor documents.


Equi (equality) join condition:

     ->left()->document('Foo/Bar/One', 'alias_1')->end()
     ->right()->document('Foo/Bar/Two', 'alias_2')->end()
     ->condition()->equi('alias_1.prop_1', 'alias_2.prop_2')


Adds: source_join_condition (SourceJoinConditionEqui)

Returns: SourceJoinConditionFactory


  • $field1: string - Field name for first field.
  • $field2: string - Field name for second field.


Child document join condition:

     ->left()->document('Foo/Bar/One', 'alias_1')->end()
     ->right()->document('Foo/Bar/Two', 'alias_2')->end()
     ->condition()->child('alias_1', 'alias_2')->end()

Adds: source_join_condition (SourceJoinConditionChildDocument)

Returns: SourceJoinConditionFactory


  • $childAlias: string - Name of alias for child documents.
  • $parentAlias: string - Name of alias to match for parent documents.


Same document join condition:

$ qb->from('alias_1')
    ->left()->document('Foo/Bar/One', 'alias_1')->end()
    ->right()->document('Foo/Bar/Two', 'alias_2')->end()
      ->same('alias_1', 'alias_2', '/path_to/alias_2/document')

Adds: source_join_condition (SourceJoinConditionSameDocument)

Returns: SourceJoinConditionFactory


  • $alias1: string - Name of first alias.
  • $alias2: string - Name of first alias.
  • $alias2Path: string - Path for documents of second alias.

Node: SourceJoinLeft

Factory node for "left" source in join.

Type: source_join_left

Extends: From

Inherited methods: document, joinInner, joinLeftOuter, joinRightOuter

Child Cardinality:
  • 1..1 source

Node: SourceJoinRight

Factory node for "right" source in join.

Type: source_join_right

Extends: From

Inherited methods: document, joinInner, joinLeftOuter, joinRightOuter

Child Cardinality:
  • 1..1 source

Node: Where

Factory node for where.

Type: where

Extends: ConstraintFactory

Inherited methods: andX, orX, fieldIsset, fullTextSearch, same, descendant, child, eq, neq, lt, lte, gt, gte, like

Child Cardinality:
  • 1..1 constraint

Node: WhereAnd

Factory node for appending additional "wheres" with an AND

Type: where

Extends: Where

Inherited methods: andX, orX, fieldIsset, fullTextSearch, same, descendant, child, eq, neq, lt, lte, gt, gte, like

Child Cardinality:
  • 1..1 constraint

Node: WhereOr

Factory node for appending additional "wheres" with an OR

Type: where

Extends: Where

Inherited methods: andX, orX, fieldIsset, fullTextSearch, same, descendant, child, eq, neq, lt, lte, gt, gte, like

Child Cardinality:
  • 1..1 constraint