The skeletons are now out of the closet - So long, Skeleton-Mapper

Posted on August 16, 2024 by Claudio Zizza

While Doctrine ORM and DBAL have a main focus in our daily development, a deeper look into their dependencies show, that Doctrine has much more projects at hand than just the database-related ones. Some projects even weren't created for ORM or DBAL, just like our Skeleton-Mapper.

The Skeleton-Mapper project won't be maintained anymore because of its lack of usage nowadays and is now an archived repository. The Doctrine Skeleton-Mapper was an object mapper where you are responsible for implementing the object mapping of the persistence operations. This means you write plain old PHP code for the data repositories, object repositories, object hydrators and object persisters. A lot of freedom but also a lot of work for a developer, including its maintenance for us.

Some projects grow and others become obsolete after some time, which are 9 years in the case of our Skeleton-Mapper. We also want to express our gratitude to the contributors and maintainers who kept this project alive for so long. Thank you.