Phasing out Doctrine Common & release of DBAL 2.8 and ORM 2.6.2

Posted on July 12, 2018 by Michael Moravec

Common 2.9 and phasing out the package

As another step in the ongoing effort to eliminate doctrine/common, there are now three new separate Doctrine packages:

This release introduces the following deprecations:

  • Doctrine\Common\Proxy component is deprecated, use ocramius/proxy-manager instead;
  • Doctrine\Common\Util\Debug is deprecated, use symfony/var-dumper instead;
  • Doctrine\Common\Lexer is deprecated, use Doctrine\Common\Lexer\AbstractLexer from doctrine/lexer or migrate to hoa/compiler instead;
  • Doctrine\Common\Util\Inflector is deprecated, use Doctrine\Common\Inflector\Inflector from doctrine/inflector instead;
  • Doctrine\Common\Util\ClassUtils is deprecated without replacement;
  • Doctrine\Common\Version is deprecated, refrain from checking Common version at runtime;
  • Doctrine\Common\CommonException is deprecated without replacement.

In addition to that, there will be no doctrine/common 3.0 and the package will be gradually phased out.

Version 2.x will be maintained at least until ORM 3.0 is released, ensuring compatibility with the latest PHP and providing bugfixes, but it will no longer ship any new features.

For complete release notes, visit GitHub.

DBAL 2.8.0

DBAL 2.8.0 is a minor release of Doctrine DBAL that aggregates over 30 fixes and improvements developed over the last 3 months.

The dependency on doctrine/common is removed. DBAL now depends on doctrine/cache and doctrine/event-manager instead.

For complete release notes, visit GitHub.

ORM 2.6.2

ORM 2.6.2 comes as a regular bugfix release.

It no longer uses the long ago deprecated Lexer and Inflector from doctrine/common.

For complete release notes, visit GitHub.