Doctrine Common 2.5.0-beta1 Pre-Release

Posted on March 25, 2015

We are happy to announce the immediate availability Doctrine Common `2.5.0-beta1`.

This is a pre-release meant to allow users and contributors to try out the new upcoming features of the Common package.

We encourage all of our users to help us by trying out this beta release. Please report any possible problems or incompatibilities that may have been introduced during development.

Starting from this release, no more new features or breaking changes will be allowed in the

Release RoadMap

We expect to release following versions of the Common package in the next days:

  • 2.5.0 on 2015-04-02

Please note that these dates may change depending on the availability of our team.

## Installation

You can install this version of the Common package by using Composer and the following composer.json contents:

    "require": {
        "doctrine/common": "2.5.0-beta2"
    "minimum-stability": "dev"

Changes since 2.4.x

This is a list of issues solved in 2.5.0-beta1 since 2.4.x:


  • [DCOM-129] - Annotation parser matches colon after annotation
  • [DCOM-151] - [GH-233] [DocParser] Fix trying include classes if its must be ignored.
  • [DCOM-162] - [GH-244] return parameter for debug method
  • [DCOM-168] - ignoredAnnotationNames doesn't work in Annotation loop
  • [DCOM-175] - Proxies return private properties in __sleep, which is not supported by PHP.
  • [DCOM-191] - Wrong inflection for "identity"
  • [DCOM-212] - [GH-296] Proxies shouldn't serialize static properties in __sleep()
  • [DCOM-216] - [GH-298] Silence E_NOTICE warning: "Undefined index".
  • [DCOM-220] - [GH-304] fix typo
  • [DCOM-223] - [GH-308] fix the optimize regex and adapt the tests to actually test classAnnotat...
  • [DCOM-228] - [GH-312] Improve UnexpectedValueException error message
  • [DCOM-261] - [GH-344] Fix fatal error when classexist tries to call the protected loader
  • [DCOM-270] - [GH-351] Added validation where allowed QCNs with ":" NS separator
  • [DCOM-272] - Proxy generator doesn't understand splat operator (PHP 5.6 argument unpacking)



New Feature

  • [DCOM-257] - [GH-342] Class metadata loading fallback hook in AbstractClassMetadataFactory
  • [DCOM-277] - [GH-357] Custom namespace separators for SymfonyFileLocator

Please report any issues you may have with the update on the mailing list or on Jira.