Doctrine2 BETA2 Released

Posted on June 15, 2010 by beberlei

Today we are happy to announce the immediate availability of the second beta version of Doctrine2. This is the first release after the split of Doctrine2 into three independent projects, Common, DBAL and ORM. This change took longer than we expected but we are back to our SVN productivity now and strive to surpass it utilizing Git.

Beta 2 is a completely backwards compatible release and over 60 issues and bugs have been closed in total. The following larger changes have been introduced from Doctrine2 Beta 1:


  • Added ClassLoader#classExists as well as ClassLoader#getClassLoader methods DCOM-7
  • Changes to Annotation Parser with regards to Autoloading Annotation Classes


  • New Driver support for Microsoft PDO Sqlsrv Extension DBAL-10
  • Fixed Mssql/Sqlsrv Platforms and SchemaManager DBAL-8
  • New Driver and Platform Support for DB2 (PDO_DB2 and IBM_DB2 Extensions) DDC-494


  • Basic Pessimistic Locking support using FOR UPDATE or vendor specific shared locks DDC-178
  • Added a Validate Mapping CLI Task DDC-515


You can get the code a few different ways which are described in detail here. If you have any issues with Doctrine you can report them on Jira.


We thank all the contributors and early adopters for their extensive feedback and reports. If you are interesting in contributing to the Doctrine project too, check out our new contributors guide and community page for information about how you can get involved!