Doctrine MongoDB ODM 1.0.0ALPHA1 Released

Posted on June 9, 2010 by jwage

Today I am very happy to announce the release of the first alpha version of the Doctrine MongoDB Object Document Mapper. This is exciting as it is the beginning of a whole new chapter in the life of the Doctrine Project. We hope to continue adding packages to allow you to transparently persist your domain objects to a variety of different database engines!


Below you will find a list of some of the features provided by the Doctrine MongoDB Object Document Mapper:

  • Transparent persistence.
  • Map one or many embedded documents.
  • Map one or many referenced documents.
  • Create references between documents in different databases.
  • Map documents with Annotations , XML , YAML or plain old PHP code.
  • Documents can be stored on the MongoGridFS.
  • Collection per class(concrete) and single collection inheritance supported.
  • Map your Doctrine 2 ORM Entities to the ODM and use mixed data stores.
  • Inserts are performed using MongoCollection::batchInsert()
  • Updates are performed using the atomic operators \$set, \$pullAll, \$pushAll and \$increment instead of saving the entire document.
  • Migrate your schema as your domain model evolves and changes.
  • Fluent Object Oriented Interface for building and executing queries.
  • Map Reduce integration.

You can continue reading the Introduction chapter in the reference documentation to get a grasp of what exactly the Doctrine MongoDB Object Document Mapper does by looking at some examples!


Want documentation? You got it! Check out the links below to get started learning about the Doctrine MongoDB Object Document Mapper:

We'll be adding more Cookbook articles in the coming weeks so check back for more documentation!


You can see all the download information for the Doctrine MongoDB ODM on the projects download page. You have several ways to get the code which are described below as well:

Checkout from Git

$ git clone git:// mongodb_odm
$ cd mongodb_odm
$ git checkout 1.0.0ALPHA1

Download PEAR Package

You can manually download the PEAR package here. If you want you can manually unarchive the code or you can pear install the downloaded package:

$ pear install /path/to/downloads/DoctrineMongoDBODM-1.0.0ALPHA1.tgz

Install from PEAR

You can also directly install using our PEAR Server:

$ pear install

Reporting Issues

If you encounter any problems with the Doctrine MongoDB Object Document Mapper you can report new issues to the Jira project. For more information about contributing to Doctrine you can checkout the documentation for our Contributor Workflow.